Hey, this is José Daniel

Technical Leader, Full Stack Developer, IT Instructor, and AI Enthusiast, constantly exploring new tools that enable the design and development of software focused on user needs.

Welcome to my Python and Javascript portfolio!

PCAP CertificateAWS Certificate Cloud Practicioner
Foto de José Daniel


Fast GPT Mock
Python PythonFastAPI FastAPIOpenAI OpenAI

Fast GPT Mock

Create your mocks to retrieve generated data with GPT model text-davinci-003 through natural language. This project was created with Python and FastAPI.

Repositorio Github
GPT Voice Translator
Python PythonOpenAI OpenAI

GPT Voice Translator

Translate from Spanish to English with GPT model whisper-1. This project was created with Python.

Repositorio Github
Thumb Driver
Python PythonPyGame PyGameOpenCV OpenCVMediaPipe MediaPipe

Thumb Driver

Drive with your thumb! Avoid all the obstacles in the road with like and dislike gestures. This is a demo project using live video stream of OpenCV and Gesture Recognition module of Mediapipe.

Repositorio Github
AI Rocket Game
Python PythonPyGame PyGameOpenCV OpenCVMediaPipe MediaPipe

AI Rocket Game

You are in the control station and need to drive the rocket. You need to use your head (literally) to avoid the asteroids that are about to hit you!

Repositorio Github
NextJS NextJSOpenAI OpenAILangChain LangChainAzure Cognitive Search Azure Cognitive Search


CrosBot is a chatbot assistant developed with NextJS, the Vercel AI SDK, the OpenAI GPT model, and Azure Cognitive Search to feed the context of the assistant using the RAG technique.